Download Tempus Word

Created: 06.10.2021  Reading Time 1 - 2 Min.

The download packages offered here are to be used both for a first installation and for an update. They contain all necessary files and documentation.

The demo version (without license) prints - as the only limitation - the letter "a" mirror-inverted. The program files can be unlocked to the full version with a license file. If you have a license for version 5, you can use the program package to the full extent with it.

The installation data are packed in a ZIP container and must be unpacked beforehand. Download if necessary with "right click - save as...".

Check the size of your download package!

Tempus Word NG for TOS

TOS-Logo Version 5.40, unpacked 2,29 MB (2.405.106 Bytes)

ZIP Download 2,27 MB (2.390.436 Bytes).

Self-extracting TOS file. Start the archive in any installation directory. Then start the TWORD.PRG program in the TWORD directory.

For updates, start the TOS in the directory where the tword folder is located.

Before an update you should absolutely create a data backup of your working directory, since possibly dictionaries or also documents are changed by the update.

Tempus Word NG for Windows

Windows Logos Version 5.40, unpacked 2,40 MB (2.520.989 Bytes)

ZIP Download 2,38 MB (2.498.328 Bytes).

Note for Windows users:

Internally Tempus-Word works with the GEM operating system. Therefore some keys must be emulated under Windows within the program. Thus the UNDO key is located on F12 (in addition to Ctrl-Z, Restore with Shift F12 or Ctrl-Y) The ESC key does not function in the platform adaptation - as in most Windows programs - as a cancel function (e.g. to close a dialog, F12), but takes over the task, e.g. to delete input fields in dialogs. In the documentation, the CTRL key is represented as CTRL (Control).

No system settings and files are changed. Only startup information is stored in the registry, which is completely removed during uninstallation. The TWORD directory contains everything necessary for the full functionality of the program under Windows.